Cheyenne Apartment Rentals
Application fees, deposits, and monthly rent payments can all be made through a deposit at any Wells Fargo branch office. Please make payment to Cheyenne Apartment Rentals, LLC. Be sure to write your name and the property address and apartment number on the deposit slip. This will ensure that your payment is credited to the correct apartment. For account details or specifications contact us. In addition to making deposits at a branch location, you can also wire money through the same institution. This is especially convenient if you have an account with Wells Fargo.
Payment can also be made online through ACH transfer (using information found on check), or using a credit or debit card. The ACH transfer is free while the credit or debit card option costs an additional 3.25% per transaction. For either of the options contact Cheyenne Apartment Rentals to have the third-party vendor send you an email to initiate the transaction. Both types of payments can be set up for auto-pay for your convenience!
This Paypal payment button is for application fees only. This fee is used for the background/credit check of each adult applicant. Select the number of adult applicants in the drop down menu, the application fee is $30 per adult.